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Hi, thanks for following the link to the free resources for my YouTube Course.

Just fill in your details below and you’ll get an email with links to downloadable / printable work sheets and top tips for each video of the Course.

If I can help your research group, institution, charity or brand to write, produce or share your STEM story do get in touch. Have a look at what else my specialist scicomm consultancy & digital-first production company has made here.

And if you'd like me to come and deliver bespoke science communication / public engagement training with your research group, institution, charity or brand get in touch. I have run media training, public speaking courses, and social media for scientists sessions for multiple clients including regular & ongoing workshops for The Royal Society and Francis Crick Institute for the past 5 years.

Have an explore of my website to see what I get up to on stage & screen, and all the best with your own science communication!

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Thanks - you'll get an email from us very soon

This is the first ever YouTube Course on Science Communication, kindly supported by Google.

The Course is a production, written by Greg Foot, filmed & edited by Kūmba Creative.

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